Our next potpie dinner will be February 23 from 8:00 AM to 1:00 PM in the parish
center with TAKE OUT ONLY. Please be sure you bring your own container.

Our next potpie dinner will be February 23 from 8:00 AM to 1:00 PM in the parish
center with TAKE OUT ONLY. Please be sure you bring your own container.
Mass dates are available for 2025 for anyone who would like to have a Mass said in honor of or in memory of a living or deceased loved one. Mass stipends are $10.00.
Anyone interested in St. Joseph the Worker history may want to view a new website created by Karl Orndorff. Visit the website: Bonneauvillemuseum.com and click on “The Collection.” You will find a list of over 700 cataloged Bonneauville items. Many of the items are related to our church, school, convent and rectory.